Along with their small lineup of Coke soft drinks, the superpowered Canadian chain Tim Hortons also offers customers some fruity delights: a Tropical Mango Refresher, the Nitro Tropical Mango Refresher, a Strawberry Coconut Refresher, and the Orange Tangerine Refresher.
In the summer of 2022, Tim Hortons released some limited-time “Tims Boost Energy Infusion Beverages.” (Yes, they spell the company name without an apostrophe — ditto for the name of the Tims Boost soft drinks. We cry a little inside, and then move on.)
There are two flavors available at Timmies: Sunrise Sunset, said to be a “vibrant blend of raspberry-flavored syrup and Red Bull Yellow Edition” — and Sky’s the Limit, described as a”mix of coconut and blue raspberry flavored syrups with Red Bull Energy Drink.”